All week I have been nervous about today. Monday through Friday, I have a team of therapists, doctors, nutritionists and more that I can talk to during the day. We have three one hour sessions with the therapists. Today I am on my own. I don't even have Dora to dance with Naomi (unless you count that short kid on Nick Jr. who in my opinion doesn't dance very well). I'm not discounting the nurses but the feeding program isn't their deal. They take weights, temperatures and listen to her lungs and follow doctors orders for meds and stuff but they don't do meals. Today I had to do all three meals and two snacks by myself. Morning started off great. Breakfast was a breeze. Naomi ate and drank what I asked of her and morning snack went well too. We had a little resistance and avoidance but overall I was happy, reminding her we could go to the playroom when she was done helped. Lunch was the best meal yet, she sat down, went right to it and not only mixed some foods she hadn't before but tried sour cream and liked it. When she found out daddy doesn't we both agreed he is silly. So I was totally unprepared for afternoon snack. It started okay as we put some food on the table and sat down to get started but then she asked if she could have water and I told her we were having chocolate milk. That wasn't the answer she wanted and she immediately dove under the table and the chair. She laid there for a good 15 minutes shouting "No" every minute or so and decided that wasn't getting a good enough reaction for mom so she rolled over and kicked the table over. I caught it before everything hit the ground and it was VERY, VERY difficult to remain completely dispassionate and wipe up the food that spilled on the floor and sit back in my chair and wait for Naomi. I gently reminded her we had planned on painting her toe nails after snack and then waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. After a total of 45 minutes under the table, Naomi got back up, sat in her chair and ate a pretty decent snack. Not as much as I had originally hoped but more than I expected after her lie in. Dinner was mediocre but I think we were both still a little tired and wary after our snack drama.
In other news, Naomi has lovely yellow finger and toe nails (that was the only color the gift shop had) and we made a dozen book marks in the play room today. Naomi smoked me in Candy Land but I just barely won Wii Bowling. Naomi rode her trike like a little speed demon in the mostly empty lobby today, it was too hot in our opinions to go outside. The first day of fall here in Orange was a whopping 92 degrees. Our highs at home in the summer rarely hit the 90s.
Day 6 17.0kg and 240ml of formula through the tube (last night of formula!)
Watching Netflix on the iPad. Thanks Gina! |
Nana likes her new iPad too.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a pretty good day for being all alone. Praying for you guys still!
ReplyDeleteMom's a rock star! 45 minutes of calm during all that....true rock star moment for mom! I can learn a big lesson from that.
ReplyDeleteYellow....THAT is the color the gift shop chose to stock....hum...weird.
<3 to you girls!