The first words out of Naomi's mouth today were "Unh-uh.....NO!" with the blankets quickly pulled up over her head. The morning weigh in and getting dressed were a chore and there was drama about me not bringing black hair bands to match the black shirt she chose to wear today but she had pulled it all together by the time we headed down to the rehab gym for breakfast. Breakfast went okay but her Boost drink wasn't as cold as she would have liked but she still cooperated. Her therapist swung her on a swing that spins afterwards and she loved it. I felt dizzy watching her but she loved it. Morning snack in the room was a bit challenging but she still did pretty good. We then headed to the playroom where Naomi made three necklaces and one of the Child Life volunteers taught me to crochet. I've started a hat. hopefully it turns out, currently it is about a 2 inch circle. Lunch was a bit of a challenge especially to get enough to drink but she hung in there and got to swing again afterwards. After lunch she got some private time to talk with the psychologist on the team. Typically she mostly talks with the parents but with the older children she likes to talk to them as well. With afternoon snack Naomi was definitely starting to tire. All this eating was interesting and meeting all the new people and playing in the gym were fun but she spent a lot more time stalling, pocketing food in her cheek and knocking things over and dropping them than before but no outright defiance with the therapists. After snack she got to try out a new swing that was an inflatable truck tire inner tube hung on it's side. Naomi bounced and swung and spun until everyone but her was completely dizzy. I love that they are helping the sensory seeker in her get so much input. We had planned to go outside and play ball or hoola hoops with supplies we borrowed from the gym but Naomi decided she wanted to lay down and watch a movie instead because she was "sick." Dinner started out as a disaster. Naomi helped me set up her plate but then decided she didn't like what was served and spent the next 20 minutes sulking under the table. I finally succeeded in getting her out but the little she ate was her smallest meal since admission. After that both she and I needed a break so she went to the playroom and I went outside for a walk. By the time I picked her up from the playroom she and I had both recovered from dinner and she'd made three more paintings to cover the walls of her room. She slipped while sitting in the bath tube and barely bumped her head but that set off another round of tears, thankfully she fell asleep quickly and is getting her small tube feeding while I'm relaxing in the family waiting room for a bit.
Day 3. Still at 17kg and getting 240ml of tube feeds.
Keeping up with her kindergarten class. |
Chilling watching Peter Pan. |
Sometimes dinner can be overwhelming. If the food can't see you , you might not have to eat it. |
We're praying for you guys. Love the slippers Naomi!