Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 20: Leaving the Hospital

Today was pretty low key.  When we weighed Naomi this she has gained weight again, I'm guessing water weight today as she was on clear fluids all day yesterday and she did eat jello and Italian ice and drink juice and Gatorade but not enough to gain weight.  Naomi was released to eat at 8:30 a.m. and I let her pick what she wanted so she got bacon, cheese and crackers, lemonade and an Italian ice, not my first breakfast choices but I figured after a day of clear fluids I'd let her choose.  She ate all the bacon and come of everything else.  After that it was back to our regular eating schedule and mom in charge.  She had her last dose of antibiotics at noon and then was released from the hospital a little after 2.  We're staying at the Ronald McDonald House over the weekend so that we can do a couple outpatient feeding sessions on Monday with all the kids.  We didn't get the crash course in whole family eating yet, Naomi had all her meals through lunch at the hospital and then we were going to take everyone to see "Hotel Transylvania" but Naomi didn't want to go so she and I stayed at the RMH and she ended up having snack and most of dinner without the other kids.  Dinner was a challenge as the foods were mostly unfamiliar ones and there was the distraction of chatting with some friends we made at our last stay here back in May.  Naomi ate all her familiar foods that were offered and a bite of one new food and then all of her ice cream sundae that the volunteer cooks made to go with our dinners.

Day 20. 17.5 kg, not tubie and out of the hospital!
Bye Bye CHOC!

Snuggling with her sister at the Ronald McDonald House.

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